Wednesday, March 30, 2022

FlashBamPow Update: March 30

LOTS going on right now with FlashBamPow! 

 1. We have a new----- absolutely incredible drummer. Branden Conrad, owner of Buffalo Streams Live has joined us. Within 1 minute we knew he was the right man for us. Excellent musicianship, and a head like an outboard motor--- he fits right in. 
 Here are 2 video snapshots of Branden playing with us (after only 3 rehearsals!):

 2. Our NEW FlashBamPow YouTube Channel: 

 Our NEW Instagram page: @flashbampowjams 
 Our NEW partner, BUFFALO STREAMS LIVE: Insta- @buffalostreamslive 
                                                                          YouTube- Buffalo Streams Live 

 3. We return for a KILLER show at The Lion and Eagle Pub in Clarence, NY on 4/21 at 7:00 PM! (poster below)