Monday, April 20, 2020

Graphic Novel: The Great Stream

"The Great Stream" is a hand-drawn pen and ink story that I am illustrating. The story unfolds like a dream, in the sense that it's free-associative, highly symbolic and very surreal. EPISODE #1 can be seen in this video, with a slammin' music soundtrack from none other than FlashBamPow!

WATCH The Great Stream

The movie is only 2 minutes. I hope you enjoy-- please send feedback to: 
More to come as the story grows!

See more:

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Lots Going On at SeanMaddenArt!

1) Remember to keep May 2nd open so you can come and see (and hear) "Freak Manifesto: The Art and Music of Sean Madden."This will be a strong performance-- an artist talk about artistic integrity, the healing power of creativity, and standing up to hate mobs. I explore the origins of my art, and the recent battle I won against a small group of unimportant conservatives in a small town.
I also plan on jamming like a maniac with FlashBamPow bassist, Dan Zea. 

2) I will be painting live onstage at: 

Image may contain: text

Looking forward to this show!
3)  FlashBamPow will be playing live once again on the biggest jazz station on the east coast: Jazz 90.1 FM in Rochester-- on May 13th at 7:00 PM.
Lots of updates to come, as my calendar is filling up fast.  Also- please remember to visit my page at: for hi-quality canvas prints of my art.
Thanks for reading!
